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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Egg Has Grown Sad And Lonely

Egg would like to bang this free love hippie freak like a barn door.

Yes, Egg knows it is sad and pathetic to pick out some random 19 year old art student at some podunk college to lust after, but Egg never professed to be anything but a Ninth Level Wang Fu Jiang Master with a wizened and shriveled staff of feverish lust.

Egg also want to mount this kooky broad like a pawn in a game of Chinese checkers.

Does that make him a loser, too?

Don't answer that.


Saturday, August 05, 2006

Egg And Haute Couture

Egg would like to snort a line of coke off of this hot crackhead fashionista's bony ass.

And then take her to his Bedroom of Heavenly Delights to make her his love slave for all eternity!

Hee hee hee!